Here's you chance to win 3 bars of that super yummy chocolate. All you have to do is vote for my CROCS PHOTO

and post the number of your vote in the comments below. If you have already voted you can still enter, just say 42 (as it's the answer to everything, right?). You can have additional chances if you Twitter or blog about it. Just let me know in seperate comments.
3 winners will each win 3 bars of chocolate of their choice (dark, milk or white) and will be randomly chosen on Sept 16.
Good Luck!
My vote was 42 of course! ;)
It has been AGES since I ate that. Have to put it on our shopping list! :) Great give-away!!!! :)
Oh, and I also blogged about it yesterday... ;)
And I go Tweet it right now! :)
*can you tell I'm desperate for a bar of ZERO chocolate?*
Héhé, I also Flickered about it! But I suppose that doesn't count! :)
I don't know the number of mine ... so it was 42 :)
And I tweeted about it, even though I don't have many followers yet.
And I spammed the chat-rooms twice :)
And I got my relatives (aunt, cousin, sister, brother) to vote and my cousin even posted it on her Facebook page, pleading for votes. She refers to the picture as "our picture" :)
And my brother posted it on his gaming forum :)
so ... that's about it for now
Mines vote 622!! =D Nice picture!
42! :D
Oh gosh! I want that chocolate!!!
Hubby was 501 - but I take the choco if he wins! :D
*now fingers crossed for me to win really hard* Hehehe...
ooh I read the part with separate comments later. so I have to post a few more comments :)
second entry: I tweeted about it
my sister voted 43 :)
my aunt voted : 44
my brother sent it to his forum ... lots of votes from there :)
my cousin voted: 45
my cousin posted it on facebook:
lots of votes from there
I spammed in the chatrooms twice :)
I don't know if this shows how much I like chocolate :)
The answer to life, the universe, and everything for me as well !
42 of course, voted from every computer availabe to me :-D
623! Good luck!
I'm a 42 too!
good luck to you!! and me, I want chocolate!!
I have number 42 twice;) home and at work;) And i retweeted it a couple of times... Does that count? ;)
Yes, yes everything counts ^_^
I ma 624 today. I really hope that you win and I also hope that I win! That Zero stuff sounds amazing!
I just posted the link in the forum of the Rhett and Link community:
So far only one vote from there, but I think more should come.
I've voted before! So, #42. :)
Tweet Tweet: http://twitter.com/spektorish/status/3913319878
I was 633. Haha. I hope you win.
My vote was 637! And I love dark chocolate!
I voted for you . Good Luck with the contest . I just love chocolates.
My vote was 42 as well! I do hope you win those, you surely deserve it.
As for this winter chocolate, I didn't know about it. I'm definitely going to have a look out for some next time we're across the border.
I'm 100!!!!, I want that choco!
good luck Dina:)
42!!! :D
started a thread on Etsy:
I blogged it: http://www.kreativling.at/?p=1856
Yep. I' want that chocolate very hard! :D But even more - I want you to win!
Good luck! I was #669! You are one away from winning at this moment!
Shoot! It posted 3 times! Sorry about that!
Star Of The East started a forum thread because you were running behind, so I made a blog post asking people to vote for you, too. Good luck!
Oh my gosh, I have a zero candy bar blog post, too, lol. Too funny.
And yes, they are better cold.
Your Zero's do look a bit different than ours. Ours is covered in white chocolate, and has a nougat center that is sort of a light colored chocolate with little finely chopped nuts in it. Yours look as though it is covered in dark chocolate. I bet they are still good though. Now I want one really badly, lol. I have to hunt all over to find them, though.
I cast my vote for you, too!! Good luck! I've never had a Zero!! so, here's to hoping I get to taste one soon!
42 was my number and I think I voted also 41 and 43 too...I could vote few times in the beginning ;D
And I know few of my friends have voted too (passed the link the other day)
Good luck Nathalie!
Bonjour, I voted...number 42, I guess...also am twittering. best of luck to you. Ann
I also Facebooked your link (Friend and Fan pages)and blogged it.Ann
I voted for you! I see that you're leading right now.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I tweeted.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I was vote #778! WOW!
42.... I was vote #780 and I love chocolate. Beautiful photo.
Voted for you dear!
4 times! Hehehe
And also I blogged about it *wishing you the best luck* :)
i voted! #822
good luck!
I have no idea the number of my vote, can't win but hope that you do!!!!
I believe it was vote #854. Good luck, your photo is fabulous and should win hands down!
I just put a link to your blog on my blog http://laughingfridgemagnets.blogspot.com/
#42 ;)
I have twitter it too :)
I didn´t do it for the chocolate.. I dont eat much candy at all but it would be fun to try Belgian chocolate :)
Good luck and I really hope you win!
Voted..My number was 42.
Good Luck. Such a smart and funny photo.
I am vote # 910
I would love some chocolate!
jenny [at] alexandersdesigns [dot] com
I just tweeted about it as well!
jenny [at] alexandersdesigns [dot] com
I just put a link on Ebay, too.
I was vote 1052! wow!!
I also tweeted!
When does this contest end? I am deleting my blog and am going to stop blogging tonight at midnight central time, but I save a link to see who wins.
I voted twice :D
and I am losing followers on Twitter, because of my tweets about the competition :D
Yay,I can't remember what was the number when I was voting for you :) Can I still win the yummy chocolate???Pleeeeeeeeeeeese?
I gave it another push on my blog.
But as I mentioned that will only last till midnight
my vote was 42 too of course! lol
I voted too, but I forgot to look and see what number it was - around 1132 I think!!!!! Can I still win some chocolate? I'm a CHOCOHOLIC! And I love your cinderella pumpkin photo too :)
ah i forgot to look , i think i was 1263 or something or 42 of course!
tweeted too about it http://twitter.com/tesoro_jewelry good luck!
my vote was 1370.
it's a great photo!
Ohhhh, I voted, tweeted, added the pic & voting link to my Facebook page and bumped your threads a few times... and that was before I knew there was chocolate to be had! Milk chocolate is my fav, just in case you wanted to know, lol
Good Luck Nathalie... you're in the lead now!
Just voted! I believe my number is 42;). Thanks a lot, I LOVE chocolate!! Sarah
My number was 1667. =)I hope I win!
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