also known as Sunshine buddies: Solar powered bobble head figurines supposed to
have a relaxing effect.
The other
day I was listening to a Ted Talk podcast about changes. We may not be aware of
it but we change all the time. But are we all changing?
It is both strange and interesting. That blog I loved and checked every day for several years, I have not opened it for the last 2 years…I went to have a look, and wow, so boring…always the same stuff… So is that person not changing, staying just exactly the same? Or does he/she feel he /she has to keep the blog the same for fear of losing readers?
We all know people who are stuck in their teen year era when it comes to hair and fashion style. Lack of change is comfortable but does it make you happy?
I know comfort doesn’t keep me happy very long…yet as years go by, I find it harder and harder to implement changes. So right now I am physically comfortable but my mind is going crazy. Not good.
I have been doing the same things for ten years, nothing worked, I see no end to the tunnel. Have I become that person stuck in the past?
I used to hate neutral colors…now I’m all about neutral colors…so I have changed, but have I become boring? I know I am bored.
I am overwhelmed by stuff I have no control over. House stuff with things needing fixing and replacing. And that crazy amount of gardening I have to keep up with. Family stuff with me having to deal with sick people and mean family members. Having to deal with my increasingly difficult mom. Unemployment stuff, will I keep my benefits if I don’t keep applying for jobs I have zero interest in? In the last year I sent about 200 applications. 200. I had one in-person-interview (didn’t get the job because I didn’t qualify for enough state salary subsidies) and 2 over the phone (I didn’t qualify because I was overqualified…). Will they force me to go follow some stupid classes again? Oh, which also reminds me I have to entirely re-make my resume website as it was in Flash and Flash is no longer supported by major browsers. I SO DON’T WANT to do it, yet know I will.
I am sick and tired of doing the same things over and over again. It’s like being stuck in a nightmare.
It is both strange and interesting. That blog I loved and checked every day for several years, I have not opened it for the last 2 years…I went to have a look, and wow, so boring…always the same stuff… So is that person not changing, staying just exactly the same? Or does he/she feel he /she has to keep the blog the same for fear of losing readers?
We all know people who are stuck in their teen year era when it comes to hair and fashion style. Lack of change is comfortable but does it make you happy?
I know comfort doesn’t keep me happy very long…yet as years go by, I find it harder and harder to implement changes. So right now I am physically comfortable but my mind is going crazy. Not good.
I have been doing the same things for ten years, nothing worked, I see no end to the tunnel. Have I become that person stuck in the past?
I used to hate neutral colors…now I’m all about neutral colors…so I have changed, but have I become boring? I know I am bored.
I am overwhelmed by stuff I have no control over. House stuff with things needing fixing and replacing. And that crazy amount of gardening I have to keep up with. Family stuff with me having to deal with sick people and mean family members. Having to deal with my increasingly difficult mom. Unemployment stuff, will I keep my benefits if I don’t keep applying for jobs I have zero interest in? In the last year I sent about 200 applications. 200. I had one in-person-interview (didn’t get the job because I didn’t qualify for enough state salary subsidies) and 2 over the phone (I didn’t qualify because I was overqualified…). Will they force me to go follow some stupid classes again? Oh, which also reminds me I have to entirely re-make my resume website as it was in Flash and Flash is no longer supported by major browsers. I SO DON’T WANT to do it, yet know I will.
I am sick and tired of doing the same things over and over again. It’s like being stuck in a nightmare.
I want out.
I still haven’t been able to come up with a new business cards. Now I am thinking about doing something green LOL
And I have
decided to move my shop from Shopify to Smoolis (because it allows several languages)
I am into photography classes right now…but just realized that my old Photoshop won’t open RAW files. So that overwhelms me a little too too (but have not reached the editing classes yet, so hopefully I’ll know what to do then). I need a new lens but can’t make up my mind.
I am into photography classes right now…but just realized that my old Photoshop won’t open RAW files. So that overwhelms me a little too too (but have not reached the editing classes yet, so hopefully I’ll know what to do then). I need a new lens but can’t make up my mind.