Prince Bob (mega)Kitten Mc Bain, also known as le Beau Bob or Bob le Beau (the beautiful Bob), Bob le Bon or le Bon Bob (the good Bob) or Bobo is one of the 3 kittens born on my bed
during the second night in the new house.
Bob was always the biggest of the 3....he is also the cuddliest...as a baby he could stay for hours in my lap...and he still does that from time to time.

What else can I say about Bob? He is his mommy's boy, he is easily scared and will hide away if anyone comes to the house. He loves staying outside when the weather is good. He is a nap expert.
When his sister Zoé died last year he was really upset as the 2 were really close...and that made him even cuddlier.

He disappeared once when he was a kitten, we looked all over for hours...only to find him sleeping in the bottle rack in the kitchen (first picture).

I love his eyes, he is very good at making sad puppy eyes (but don't tell him because all doggies are ugly and stink)
Bob not only looks like my Fanta on the outside he has thesame behaviour too :)
Bob le Bon! I like it! :)
Ahhh Bob has the most cutest poses of all !!
Awwww. They are all cute.
AWWWW! Give Bob some extra cuddles from me!
he's tooooo cute!!!!
Oh he's such a sweet boy!!!! I'm sorry to hear about his sister Zoe, but I'm sure his Mommy is giving him extra cuddles so he misses his sister a little less!
Thank you for introducing adorable Bob! :)
He is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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