I am part of the European Street Team on Etsy (
we have a blog too) and we have weekly challenges. OK, I missed most of the last ones...but I still made things even if I didn't make them in time. SO here's a sample of themes and items.
Theme : le Renouveau (renewal, revival) as chose by
Theme: Art Nouveau chosen by Swiedebie

Theme: The Unbearable Lightness of Being chosen by
Theme: "Your favorite quote" chosen by

Theme: Frida Kahlo as chosen by Staroftheeast
Theme: The Elizabethan Era, chosen by myself ;) I just wanted to make a girdle...

This week theme is "recycling, upcycling...." chosen by
Vadjutka...but I still haven't come up with an idea.
wonderful items. I too have made things but not submitted them! Ah well.... inspiration doesn't always hit in time does it! :D
Great collection so far!
Ohh, I will participate again when I'm done with all my preparations for the new line of ceramics in my shop. I love the challenges! What a lovely collection you have made! :)
I love the bracelet! plastic charms all around!
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