Spring time! Time to clean up my handbag again. I'll spare you the "before" photo with its pile of used tissues, candy wrappers and grocery bills. It's back to the essentials (believe it or not all those cute pouches have an actual use)! All clean, lean and most of all LIGHT!
Oh I think it's high time for some decluttering in my hand bags too :)! I smiled at seeing you love little pouches too, they are so useful and help a bit in keeping our bags at least a BIT tidy and organized!
Oh I think it's high time for some decluttering in my hand bags too :)! I smiled at seeing you love little pouches too, they are so useful and help a bit in keeping our bags at least a BIT tidy and organized!
cool, great idea to declutter the handbag, even though since I had the baby, the changing bag is pretty much my bag at the moment, not very trendy lol
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