September 17, 2015

Gratuitous cat photos

With 8 cats in the house, you can always  count on one to give a helping hand while you work.

Pepita, Guardian of the Garden

But the Guardian of the Garden is careful around  Gazette el Loco (on the right)

El Loco, the unpredictable one...

Bruno (this might not be his most flattering photo). He is a very sweet cat, if you give him a cuddle, he'll eternally love you.

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know that my dear Pepita has been diagnosed with cancer. I am hoping that, as she is an older cat, the disease won't progress too fast. The 2 vets she saw think it's better not to do anything.She is getting extra attention and care from me though ;)


Nyuta said...

They are so sweet cats.
Hope that your dear Petita will be better soon.

Stephanie Kilgast said...

Adorable cats :)
And many extra hugs to Pepita :/

StaroftheEast said...

Cute cats, and I am very sorry to hear about Pepita!

Heyme said...

Ha! Always suspected you were a crazy cat lady :-)
Strength with Pepita.. it is hard, but I agree on letting things run their course when she is old already, hope she'll have peace...

Tina Lindholm Kanerva said...

Wow, I did not know you have so many cats!
And hugs to you and Pepita.

Unknown said...

Ooooh cuteness overload!! I wish my cat was so photogenic, but she just absolutely hates being photographed!
I'm really sorry to hear about Pepita. :(

JuanitaTortilla said...