July 04, 2016

Instagram bootcamp...the results

If you read last week post, you know that I started an Instagram bootcamp. I am not sure what I expected but I feel a bit underwhelmed.
OK, I downloaded a cool photo editor, Snapseed, which is easy to use  and free (for Android)...and have been playing a bit with that.
I guess the bootcamp is more aimed at people who have no clues about photo editing and composition, and have not been using IG for long. So that is definitely not me...and I am NOT signing up for the $249 course.

The quote  lesson was the most puzzling of all. I hate motivational quotes. And I can tell my audience hates them too as I barely got any likes on that.

The "answer your customers questions" was no big help either as the only question I ever get (granted, I get it A LOT) is , "where do you  buy your supplies?"

And I skipped day 7 (the last day)  of the course...


StaroftheEast said...

I am not flabbergasted by the bootcamp either, I still have to do day 6-7 but not very motivated. The quote I also found a bit rubbish as instagram is not much of a words place.
But the app is nice, and you never know ;)

Stephanie Kilgast said...

ah well, missed that blog post.
I'm sort of curious about the bootcamp but it seems a little pointless so meh :D

AToM said...

I'm also behind with that, currently struggling with lack of time at day 3 :)). I didn't felt motivated either and there wasn't so much new info shared, so yeah... :D

Paper Whispers said...

lol I don't mind motivational quotes but the internet is flooded with them! lol you are so funny.......really people ask you about your supplies? why would you tell, that makes no sense for a business!

Ceraminic said...

Love your pictures and thanks for sharing with us the bootcamp. I'm quiet new on IG and I got some new ideas, different point of views and help to brand making.

JuanitaTortilla said...

Oh well. Good to know! I wouldn't sign up for any instagram bootcamp myself!