May 16, 2016

Kamikaze bird

Target acquired

I have this crazy bird with a deathwish who keeps stealing cat food...

Getting closer

And closer

He spotted me...

...and he spotted Bruno

Checking the other side...just in case...

I got noms!

Let's go eat it somewhere quiet...
Still puzzled that a bird would want to eat catfood...which is probably made of many birds too...


Unknown said...

Hihi :)) What a brave little fellow!

Unknown said...

Lucky bird! The cat didn't see him! Not so lucky as the one who has been hunted by my cat two days ago :(

Tina Lindholm Kanerva said...

Never heard of a bird eating cat food before... strange.
He is lucky to get away with it. :-)

StaroftheEast said...

That's some crazy bird, maybe he made a bet with another bird :)

AToM said...

I think she's sent from "Testing your cat" company! You'll receive your bill later this month with a lovely diploma for Bruno who passed the "Good cat test" :D