January 22, 2014

Wednesday favorites - home makeover edition

Pip Studio, one of my favorite brands ever, started making floor tiles *_* Budget allowing, I could see my whole house tiled with those. Check the entire dream catalogue here. The online shop is here.

I guess the cats would be more interested in the following items...

Goldtatze (golden paws) is a German company specializing in clever cat furniture and entertainment units for our felines. I can totally picture having little cat bridges and UFOs (sort of little ceiling nests) all over the house.

And since we're dreaming, I wouldn't mind this incredible canopy bed. Euromillion win required ><  It is made by Lummedesigns in Finland. They have an Etsy shop too.

But I'll settle for this adorable Poäng chair by Ikea...and maybe I'll go crazy and get the matching foot stool too. I have had my eyes on that ever since this model came out...one day it shall be mine! (hopefully sooner than later)

1 comment:

Stephanie Kilgast said...

I love my poang chair and it's not too expensive either so go for it :) (the cats will love it too hehe)