March 10, 2016

My Alice in Wonderland Collection - Cheshire Cat on the desk

Lots of Cheshire Cat office stuff.
A happy Cheshire Cat photo holder from the UK in 2007 (or 2008...)

 A plush pencil pouch from Japan.

And another from Disneyland Paris.

Could that be Cheshire Cat pens?

 A bling-bling mechanical pencil from Japan.

 A fun ballpoint pen also from Japan. When you click his little body appears :)

Clever mechanism

  A cute 2-color pen from ..., yes, Japan...

And a gorgeous pouch made of terry fabric on the front and striped cotton on the back.
I'll let you guess where this comes from...


StaroftheEast said...

The last pouch is my favorite (Japanese?) :)

Stephanie Kilgast said...

"Could that be Cheshire Cat pens?" hahaha! Now, THAT would be a surprise :D

Unknown said...

Awww cute and fuzzy pink Cheshire cat pencil pouch! Definitely my favorite. :D

toosis said...

I love the Alice theme.

AToM said...

I like the bling bling pen wich leads to the question: Do you have any alice inspired jewelry? (and this is a retorical question of course)