December 28, 2015

Summer in winter

This post was originally meant to be a review of the new Star Wars film...but there's so little to review there that I changed my mind (you'll still find my view on that film at the end of this post if you're interested)
 So far winter seems to have forgotten us. Here we are at the end of December and flowers are blooming. Heavy sweaters and coats are still in the closet and it is warm enough to sit in the garden.
3 years ago we were buried in knee-deep snow.

No doubt, it is December, naked trees, low sun...

But cats napping outside...

Pepita glowing in the sunlight...

Ladybugs wandering...


and kittens blooming...

Fresh moss...

Pepita is already checking for Easter eggs, it seems...

So is Bruno...

And now Star Wars, the Force awakens. What can I say? I think they added a 10th circle to hell where you'll be forced to watch tepid souless re-hash of good films/series for all eternity. This tenth circle is entirely dedicated to JJ Abrams.


StaroftheEast said...

Weather has been odd here too, global warming is really happening I'm afraid :/
Your cats seem to enjoy it though :)

Tina Lindholm Kanerva said...

We have more often warm weather in the winter the past years. Stockholm was getting spring again, I saw trees starting to go green, but just yesterday the snow hit us! So now we have a few centimeters of white. :-)