March 26, 2014

Wednesday favorites

 A cardboard cuckoo cute and fun! It is by hellopetie on Dawanda. It is a real clock but the pine cones don't move and the bird doesn't tweet...which would be a good thing in my book as I am not too keen on high pitched noises...nor any noises in general.
Terry the triceratops embroidery art by Accidentalvix on Etsy. Really the type of things I a restaurant in London I saw some amazing needlepoint works of dinos...I could start a collection...dino needle art ^_^

 A dino print SILK dress by Emma Cook on Asos.Out of budget even on sale...sadly...

 The 12 Doctors if Tim Burton had drawn them...amazing work by Michael the Pure on Deviant Art.

 A mighty cute cat bag by Muchacha available on Ebay and other places on the web. I already own a tiny Muchacha perfect. I might have to buy this bag...

A bunny rabbit spring me (shameless self promo here). One of my fav in all the items I've made so far. I wear  this a lot these days :) Available in my 4 shops. Etsy, Dawanda, Alittlemarket and Storenvy.
I also have a mushroom version if you are weird and like mushrooms better than bunnies ;)
And it could be yours for free if you enter my giveaway which ends on Monday!!!! Win $50 (or 36 euros) in any of my shops!

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